
UX/UI Design
Moodhue is a mood tracking app and a personal diary. It gives users the ability to track their mood multiple times a day and features time stamps as well as their daily activities. Users have the option to “quick-add” their entries for when they simply want to log in how they are feeling. 
Tools Used
Pen and Paper
To create a unique a mobile app interface that will be compatible for both iOS and material design (Android) platforms.
My Role
UX/UI Designer
The Problem
Many users of mood-tracking apps just want to make a quick entry. However, a lot of these apps make you go through a number of steps in order to log in a single entry for the day. Moodhue will give users the option to fast-track the logging process through “quick add”. There will also be a long-form entry option where users can create diary entries which are password protected for privacy purposes. Moodhue makes it easy to view your long-term mood pattens through visuals and colors that represent general moods.
User Stories
The Product
After identifying user goals, I identified the MVP user objectives. I felt the MVP should be a very minimal user interface; one where the end goal was simply a few taps away. I wanted the key features to be the following:

- Offline Capability
- Option to toggle daily notifications/reminders on/off
- “Quick-Add” entries
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly entries are summarized by “hue” or average mood color
- View statistics/history of all your previous entries
- Unlock new app perks when users have consecutive entries
User Flow
Low Fidelity Wireframes
User Feedback
As part of the user testing on this app, I sent both iOS and Android users prototyped versions of Moodhue in order to get their feedback on its usability intuitiveness. Below is some of the feedback that was provided and the changes I made after.
User 1 (iOS User)

"Everything on this app is straightforward. The “mind” icon (Icon furthest to the right on the navigation bar) looks like it would lead me to a help screen, but once I tapped on it and saw it provided videos/resources, it made sense to me."
(I added an onboarding screen that mentions video resources to solve this issue).
User 2 (Android User)

"I like how user-friendly it is. Super easy to navigate. You should let people know what your app is so new users don’t get lost."
(I added onboarding screens to explain to users what this app does)
User 3 (Android User)

"Maybe you can give users more of an incentive to log in by providing some sort of reward system/getting medals for logging in a certain amount of days in a row."
(Added onboarding page informing users about app rewards for logging in consistently)
Final Product Styling
Final Screens (iOS)
Final Screens (Android)

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